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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why You Should Not Smoke

Hello readers! Come back with me in the other topic. Our discuss is about why you should not smoke. A lot of people have been ever smoke and not just a little who does not like to smoke. They consider that with smoking THEY CAN LOOK COOL,can make their mind more relax or it can make themselves more confident, etc. I strongly
disagree with their statements, all people know that smoking seriously can harm their health.
Some of people still ignore the warning which is written in every cigarretes brands. "Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi, dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin".  We can look from the statement, we should know what the meaning of that warning. But some of us always ignore it because of the taste of the cigarretes. The contain of cigarettes that make smoking  is bad for your health.
Firstly, you have to know what these are the containing of the cigarettes. Here, i just mention some of them that seems very dangerous for your health. Ok, let’s see them!
These are metals in cigarettes: Aluminum, Beryllium, Zinc, Magnesium, Mercury, Gold, Silicon, Silver, Titanium, Lead, Copper.  And  here, other chemicals in cigarettes are : Nicotine,  Benzene ,  Ammonia and many other.  If we learn more and more about the containing of the cigarettes one by one, we have to stop smoking.
And besides what I say before,’ smoking can harm our body’ that’s right. There is no effect if there is no a causing. Your life will be health if you cure your body from the bad habit such as smoking. Let me tell you,  The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates the heart and constricts the body's blood vessels. This results in high blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots, and fatty deposits. And The tar in cigarettes make the lungs' alveoli turning them black. As a result, this damage is irreversible. Also, smoking can cause your heart damaged, and it is not impossible if suddenly make you get stroke. And then your lungs can suffer a bronchitis or pneumonia. The smoker will be easy get a suffering if they still smoke continuely, and smoking can kill them.
These are the bad effect which is brought from smoke. But, secondly I have a lot of reasons why you should not smoke and you have to know so that you can stop smoking. 
1.      Smoking under age 18 is illegal. Using, holding, or buying of cigarettes can get you in serious trouble, especially around school.
2.      Smoking can seriously harm your body in ways of cancer, emphysema, etc. Also, it leads to your early demise.
3.      The nicotine in cigarettes are extremely addictive, and, chances are that if you start early, then it'll be harder to quit the habit.
4.      Smoking may cause tension between friend and family relationships. If anyone gets upset that you smoke, then you probably get angry and fight with that person? So,it causes why you smoke.
5.      You may lose all your money. Of course, you do not realize if your money less day by day. For example : if you buy  a pack of cigarettes per day with cost 15.000 rupiahs. It can not be  imagine if it is counted per year.
A habit of smoke may be difficult for you to stop it. But, do you still smoke although you have known the bad effects of it? Starts from now you have stop smoking temporarly.
(sources : http://www.amelya-herda.blogspot.com/)

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